Herbalife Product Overview

This is Christopher Perry, I am happy to bring you some important Herbalife Product Presentations,
I didn't make these nor do i take ownership. Owner of this information is Herbalife International
These presentation are for the purpose of self education so you can make a clear decision on the products before you order them.

You will need Adobe Reader to view these presentations
Adobe reader download link- HERE

Dr. Lou Ignarro - Heart Health Presentation

Dr. David Heber - Powerful Science Presentation

Dr. Luigi Gratton - Healthy Nutrition Presentation

Dr. Steve Henig - Product Vision Presentation 

Body Mass Index

Is my weight healthy? When your customers need an answer to this important question, you should know that a healthy weight is more than a number on a scale.

An accurate answer can make a life-changing impact on the way people look, live and feel.
What your customers should know about BMI
BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a measurement that uses a scientific formula to determine a person's safest, healthiest weight based upon their weight and height. As you help people set their goals on the way to looking and feeling better, BMI is a powerful tool you can use to help create their personal path to improved health. As a trusted wellness advisor, you should let people know that a high BMI can be associated with serious health risks including:
 heart disease
What the results mean
BMI provides a helpful guideline for achieving the weight range that's healthiest for your customers. You can interpret your customer's BMI results as follows:
Below 20 =
20 to 25 =
ideal weight range
25 to 30 =
overweight (25-27 could be healthy range if large-boned and heavily muscled)
30 and above =
very overweight/high risk
40 and above =
extremely overweight / high risk for health complications
Based on their BMI results, you have the information you need to help your customers on a personalized path to healthier living both through your trusted support and your successful line of proven nutrition products!

Lean Protein Estimator (LPE)

The Lean Protein Estimator (LPE) provides an estimate of lean body mass in a person. Lean body mass determines the number of calories you burn at rest during a 24-hour period. The Lean Protein Estimator also calculates your Body Mass Index (BMI).

check your LPE here

My name and number is 
Christopher Perry
Email: cperry7033@gmail.com

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